.ES Domain Name Rules/Requirements

Domain Name related Rules

Common Domain Name Rules (Anchor: common)

  • TYFOO Networks Inc provides 2nd Level Domain Registration, under .ES.

  • Domain Theft Protection feature is not available for .ES domain names.

    Additional Information

    Protecting a Domain Name

  • For Resellers: Lock, Suspension, Bulk Lock / Unlock and Bulk Suspend / Unsuspend features are not supported for .ES domain names.

  • Move (push) feature is supported for .ES domain names.


    You can move a .ES domain name only if its Registrant Contact is not associated with any other domain name.

  • If for any reason you need to Delete your domain name, contact our Support Team at http://www.tyfoo.net/support/contact-us.php.


    Upon Deletion of your domain name, RED.ES (ESNIC) which is the .ES Registry, sends an email to the Admin Contact listed in the Whois of the domain name. The Admin Contact must click the approval link within 10 days to confirm deletion. If the approval link is not clicked or the decline link is clicked, the domain name will continue being registered.

  • Upon deletion, the .ES domain name becomes available for Registration immediately. The domain name does not enter Redemption Grace Period.

    Additional Information

    What is Redemption Grace Period?

Domain Name Registration (Anchor: reg)

  • A .ES domain name can be Registered for only 1 to 5 years.

  • The .ES Registry prohibits the Registration of some domain names See details such as those related to certain Internet terms, Spanish constitutional bodies, Spanish institutions, etc.

  • A .ES domain name does not have any Money Back Grace Period.

  • The Bulk Registration feature is not available for .ES domain names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Registration

Domain Name Renewal (Anchor: ren)

  • A .ES domain name can be Renewed for only 1 to 5 years.

  • Upon Expiry of an .ES domain name:

    • any service such as email, website, etc., configured for this domain name would stop functioning, until the domain name is renewed.

    • the .ES Registry would email the Admin Contact listed in the Whois of the domain name, that the domain name has not yet been Renewed and if needed, the domain name owner may transfer their domain name under the .ES Registry and then Renew this domain name with them.

    • if the .ES domain name is not Renewed until 9 days, the domain name would get Deleted and would immediately be available for Registration.

Domain Name Transfer (Anchor: trf)

  • Transferring a .ES domain name to TYFOO Networks Inc is free of cost.

  • Transfer does not includes a 1 year Renewal.


  • A .ES domain name does not have a Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code.

  • Upon placing a Transfer request for your .ES domain name to TYFOO Networks Inc, the .ES Registry will email the Admin Contact listed in the Whois of the domain name. The Admin Contact must click the approval link within 10 days to confirm the Transfer. If the approval link is not clicked or the decline link is clicked, the domain name will continue being registered with the current Registrar.

  • The Bulk Transfer feature is not available for .ES domain names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Transfer

Contact Details related Rules (Anchor: contact)

  • .ES domain names use an independent Contact database in the system. Contacts for .ES domain names are listed under .ES Contact.

    The following list displays the various types of .ES Contacts listed in our system and how they are displayed in the Whois of .ES domain names:

    .ES Contact Type displayed in the System

    .ES Contact Type displayed in the Whois









  • Contact Details addition is restricted in the following ways:

    • For Registrant Contact:

      • The Registrant Contact of a .ES domain name may either be a natural person/individual or a company.

      • You may neither modify through our system any Contact Details nor select another Contact as the Registrant Contact, of a registered .ES domain name.


        If you wish to transfer the ownership of a .ES domain name to another entity, you need to contact the .ES Registry. Once a request has been submitted at the Registry, you need to inform our Support Team at http://www.tyfoo.net/support/contact-us.php. This will enable us to track the request and update our database accordingly.

    • For Other Contacts:

      • The Admin, Technical and Billing Contacts must be natural persons/individuals only.

      • You may not modify any Contact Details. However, you may add another .ES Contact and select the same as either the Admin, Technical or Billing Contact.

    • Common: While adding a .ES Contact, you need to provide the following additional information:

      • Type of Entity: Depending upon whether you plan to use this contact as a Registrant or as any other contact, you need to select one of the following:

        • Natural person or individual

        • Economic Interest Grouping

        • Association

        • Sports Association

        • Trade Association

        • Savings Bank

        • Community Property

        • Condominium

        • Religious Order or Institution

        • Consulate

        • Public Law Association

        • Embassy

        • Municipality

        • Sports Federation

        • Foundation

        • Mutual Insurance Company

        • Provincial Government Body

        • National Government Body

        • Political Party

        • Trade Union

        • Farm Partnership

        • Public Limited Company / Corporation

        • Sports Public Limited Company

        • Partnership

        • General Partnership

        • Limited Partnership

        • Cooperative

        • Worker-owned Company

        • Limited Liability Company

        • Spanish (company) Branch

        • Temporary Consortium / Joint Venture

        • Worker-owned Limited Company

        • Provincial Government Entity

        • National Government Entity

        • Local Government Entity

        • Others

        • Designation of Origin Regulatory Council

        • Natural Area Management Entity

      • Type of Identification: You may choose to provide us any of the following identification details:

        • DNI or NIF: Select this option if you can provide us either your Spanish National Personal ID or your company VAT ID number.

        • NIE: Select this option if you can provide us your Spanish resident alien ID number.

        • Other ID: Select this option if you do not have any of the above mentioned IDs but can provide either your Passport number, any Foreign ID document number, Company Registration number, Driver’s License number, etc.

      • Identification Number: Depending upon the option you selected above, you need to provide that ID's number here.

  • Accented character usage is supported in the following fields in .ES Contacts:

    • Name

    • Company Name

    • Address

    • City

    • State


      All UTF-8 characters are supported in the above-mentioned fields. See details

  • .ES domain names do not support TYFOO Networks Inc's Privacy Protection feature.

    Additional Information

    What is Privacy Protection?

  • The Bulk Modify and Bulk Privacy Protection features are not available for .ES domain names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Modify

    Bulk Privacy Protection

Name Servers and Child Name Servers related Rules (Anchor: ns)

  • Each .ES domain name needs to have at least 2 Name Servers and can have upto 7 Name Servers.

  • There is no limitation on the number of Child Name Servers you can create.

  • You may associate only a single IP Address per Child Name Server.

  • Once created, you may neither delete a Child Name Server nor modify its Hostname. Only the associated IP Address can be modified.