.JOBS Domain Name Rules/Requirements

Domain Name related Rules

Common Domain Name Rules (Anchor: common)

Domain Name Registration (Anchor: reg)

  • A .JOBS domain name may be Registered for 1 to 10 years.

  • Registration request for a .JOBS domain name will be verified by the Registry, prior to domain name activation. The Registry has up to 90 days to render their decision to either approve the request or deny it.

  • The Registry retains the right to reserve domain names from registration eligibility. The Registry will not permit the validation of .JOBS registrations for names that fall into one of the four categories on the Reserved List Policy, outlined below.

  • The ability to secure a generic word in .JOBS is dependent upon the legal or commonly known company name of the Registrant. If the Registrant is not known by the name then the Registrant will not be able to register the name.

  • Additionally, various generic terms and identifiers, such as geographic names (major cities, countries, etc.), industry and occupational classifications, profane words and other terms of common interest to the HR Community are either Registry-reserve words or otherwise reserved from registration.

  • Reserved word categories:

    1. Occupational and industry names (e.g. nursing.jobs, accounting.jobs, retail.jobs)
    2. Geographic names (e.g., cityname.jobs, regionname.jobs, zipcode.jobs)
    3. ICANN-reserved names (see .JOBS Sponsored TLD Registry Agreement at https://www.icann.org/resources/agreement/jobs-2015-02-20-en)
    4. Other generic names (e.g. recruit.jobs)
    5. Registrations with the word “jobs” in the second level
    6. ICANN-designated reserved words
  • A .JOBS domain name has a 4 day Money Back Grace Period.

  • The Bulk Registration feature is available for .JOBS domain names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Registration

  • Upon Registering a .JOBS domain name, you may not Transfer-Away from TYFOO Networks Inc, until 60 days.

  • .JOBS domain names do not support Internationalized Domain Names (IDN).

Domain Name Renewal (Anchor: ren)

  • A .JOBS domain name may be Renewed for 1 to 10 years.

  • Upon Expiry of a .JOBS domain name:

    • any service such as email, website, etc., configured for this domain name would stop functioning, until the domain name is Renewed.

    • if the .JOBS domain name is not Renewed until 36 days, the domain name would get Deleted and would slip into Redemption Grace Period.

      Additional Information

      What is Redemption Grace Period?

Domain Name Transfer (Anchor: trf)

  • Upon Transferring a .JOBS domain name, the domain name gets renewed by 1 year.

  • All .JOBS domain names have a Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code.

    The length of a Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code may vary between 8 to 32 characters.

  • The Bulk Transfer feature is available for .JOBS domain names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Transfer

Contact Details related Rules (Anchor: contact)

  • .JOBS domain names use the General Contact database in the system.

    .JOBS domain names use the following 4 Contacts itself:

    • Registrant Contact

    • Administrative Contact

    • Technical Contact

    • Billing Contact

  • While registering a .JOBS domain name, you need to provide the following additional details about the Contacts:

    • Title: Title of the Contact in the Company

    • Website: Company Website

    • Industry Type: Type / Classification of the industry in which the company conducts its business

    • Is Admin Contact?: Whether the Contact is designated as Admin for the domain name

    • Is a member of HR Association?: Whether the Contact is a member of the HR Association

  • .JOBS Contacts support accented characters.

  • .JOBS domain names support TYFOO Networks Inc's Privacy Protection feature.

    Additional Information

    What is Privacy Protection?

  • Modifying the Registrant Contact Organization for a .JOBS domain name will necessitate re-verification.

    A fee might apply depending on the situation; instances are handled on a case by case basis by the Registry Operator for .JOBS (Employ Media LLC). Registry Operator may be contacted directly at the time of the Registrant change to find out if there is going to be any fee.

  • The Bulk Modify and Bulk Privacy Protection features are available for .JOBS domain names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Modify

    Bulk Privacy Protection

Name Servers and Child Name Servers related Rules (Anchor: ns)

  • Each .JOBS domain name needs to have at least 2 Name Servers and may have upto 13 Name Servers.

  • There is no limitation on the number of Child Name Servers you may create.

  • You may associate upto 13 IP Address per Child Name Server.

  • You may associate IPv6 Address in Child Name Servers.

  • You may modify both Name Servers as well as any Child Name Servers associated with your .JOBS domain name.